Academic Catalog


Grades and Honor Points

The student’s scholastic standing is indicated both by grades and honor points. The student earns honor points in accordance with grades as follows:

Grade Interpretation Honor Points (Per Class Hour)
A Exceptional 4.00
A- 3.70
B+ 3.30
B Good 3.00
B- 2.70
C+ 2.30
C Average 2.00
C- 1.70
D+ 1.30
D Below Average 1.00
D- .70
F 0.00
W Withdrew no effect on GPA
WP Withdrew Passing no effect on GPA
FW Failed to Withdraw 0.00 (applied as a failing grade in GPA calculation)
CR Credit Received
I Incomplete
NC No Credit

Grade Changes

All grade changes must be made by the original instructor of the course taken with the approval of the dean.  A grade can only be changed within a calendar year of the date on which the grade was posted.

For details on appealing a grade, see Grade Appeal Policy.

Incomplete Grades

This is a temporary grade given for work that is passing in quality but lacking in quantity to meet course objectives. It may be assigned by the instructor with the permission of the dean under the following conditions:

  1. A student is unable to complete his/her work due to illness or other physical impairment or other unavoidable circumstances; and
  2. The student has done satisfactory work in the course and, in the instructor’s opinion, can complete the work in a satisfactory manner. A student should have completed at least 75% of the coursework to be considered for an incomplete grade.

This grade cannot be given for unsatisfactory work. Grade changes for incompletes from the spring semester must be turned in to the Registrar’s Office no later than Aug. 15, grades from summer session must be turned in no later than Nov. 15, and grades from the fall semester must be turned in no later than March 15.  Every effort should be made to have the work completed in the shortest time possible following the close of the academic term in which the work is taken.  Incompletes will be assigned an “F” grade after the above dates.  A “change of grade” is possible if it is processed within one calendar year from receipt of initial Incomplete.