Academic Catalog

Pathway Program


Pathway admission, Pathway courses, study labs and program services are only available to provisionally accepted students or accepted opt-in students.

Program Details

Pathway is a requirement for provisionally accepted students at Cornerstone University. Incoming students are classified as provisionally accepted if their incoming high school GPA falls between 2.0 – 2.49. Pathway consists of study labs, individualized learning, and intensive scholastic counseling to sharpen academic readiness. Pathway is completed in two years after a student completes the study lab course their fourth semester.  Notable Pathway components are as follows:

Faculty/Staff Collaboration

The framework of Pathway builds a faculty and staff dynamic that is truly unique to Pathway.  The Director of Academic Success can work closely with faculty to promote individualized academic success strategies for students while preserving rigorous academic coursework. 

Pathway Study Labs

Each semester, for four semesters total, a 1-credit study lab is included in semester courses. The Director of Academic Success instructs these study labs to assist students in all their semester courses.  Examples of study lab components include reviewing coursework, individual tutoring for courses, homework assistance and faculty support.

Academic Mentorship

Bi-weekly individual meetings, study labs and extracurricular Pathway activities allows the Director of Academic Success to mentor and counsel students to foster academic success.

Additional Services

Additional Pathway services Pathway breakout sessions during New Student Orientation, utilization of a student cohort model, academic intervention plans for courses with low grades, and all free academic services offered by the Center for Academic Success.

Pathway Course & Timeline

IDS-109 Learning Strategies (2-Credits, taken first fall semester)

IDS-102 Pathway Study Lab I (1-Credit, taken first fall semester) 

IDS-105 Pathway Study Lab II (1-Credit, taken second spring semester) 

IDS-212 Pathway Study Lab III (1-Credit, taken third fall semester) 

IDS-214 Pathway Study Lab IV (1-Credit, taken fourth spring semester)

After completing Pathway, students are:

  1.  Academically prepared for advanced university reading, writing, rhetoric, and study habits.
  2.  Acclimated to campus, university resources and have established rapport with faculty and staff.
  3. Aware of their unique collegiate learning preferences and how to minimize counterproductive behaviors.
  4. Knowledgeable and advised on all necessary courses and requirements to obtain the bachelor’s degree of student’s choice.