Academic Catalog

History (HIS)

HIS-113  WORLD HISTORY TO 1500  (3 Credits)  
A study of Western Civilization from Ancient through Medieval times with a focus on the development of societies, ideas, politics and people.
Prerequisite: None  
HIS-114  MAKING MODERN WORLD: 1500 TO PRESENT  (3 Credits)  
This class explains how the world in which we live came to be. It introduces the key historical ideas, events, and processes that have shaped modern society, culture, politics, economics, ideology, identity, and religion. The class focuses particularly on global history since 1500. Students will be invited to consider how knowledge of the past can contribute to formulating responses to contemporary global and civic issues.
Prerequisite: None  
HIS-115  AMERICAN STUDIES  (3 Credits)  
A study of American culture using a thematic approach and including topics such as Puritanism, colonization, the Native American experience, industrialization, religious trends, technology, reform movements, the role of women, the impact of war on American life, economic development and contemporary issues.
Prerequisite: None  
HIS-211  MICHIGAN HISTORY  (3 Credits)  
A study of Michigan beginning with the territorial period to the present that emphasizes the economic, political, constitutional, social, and religious developments.
Prerequisite: None  
The political, social, religious, diplomatic and economic history from Colonial times through the Civil War. Topics include colonization, the American Revolution, Constitution-making, the early national period, the Jacksonian era, the Age of Expansion, slavery, sectionalism, and Civil War.
Prerequisite: None  
A survey of American history from 1865 to the present. The course combines a topical with a chronological approach. Reconstruction, the Gilded Age, Industrialism, Populism, and Progression are followed by a study of the domestic and diplomatic events of Twentieth-Century presidential administrations.
Prerequisite: None  
HIS-223  HISTORY MATTERS  (3 Credits)  
An examination of a contemporary issue in the light of history. The specific topic of the class varies but is typically concerned with the connections between religion, culture and politics. The class models how knowledge of the past can give the perspective necessary for developing a mature Christian response to matters of current concern. In so doing, the class will also invite students to reflect more broadly on how thinking historically helps cultivate key Christian virtues such as hospitality, humility and wisdom; and to grasp how historical skills of investigation, analysis and communication can be applied to a range of vocations.
Prerequisite: Take HIS-114  
HIS-225  MODERN WORLD HISTORY  (3 Credits)  
An exploration of modern history addressing five regions that cover the entire world over the time period from the 1950's until today. Emphasis is on how the ending of the Second World War as well as the Cold War, industrialism, religious conflict, terrorism and modern technology are affecting the world today.
Prerequisite: None  
HIS-313  RELIGION IN AMERICA  (3 Credits)  
An overview of the history of American religion. Concentrates on Roman Catholicism, primary Protestant denominations, and indigenous cults via a social-historical approach that includes the analysis of major theological tenets and distinctives as well as ecclesiological structures.
Prerequisite: None  
Establishment and development of political, religious, economic, and Constitutional traditions that made up the American character. Major emphasis is given to British policies that resulted in revolutions and independence.
Prerequisite: HIS-221  
HIS-324  20TH C. AMERICAN HISTORY  (3 Credits)  
A political, diplomatic, social and constitutional study of the United States that emphasizes such developments as Progressivism, World War I, the social tensions of the twenties, the Great Depression, the New Deal, World War II, the Cold War, the Space Age, and the high tech revolution.
Prerequisite: HIS-222  
This course covers the key events, developments, trends, issues and figures in the history of American foreign relations. It will address the political, international, economic, social, and cultural facets of this history. It will examine both governmental and non-governmental activities and interests. The class format will include both lecture and discussion; students are to be ready to discuss the relevant topics in a thoughtful and considerate manner.
Prerequisite: None  
HIS-328  THEMES OF HISTORY  (3 Credits)  
A thematic study of an aspect of American, European or global history. Ths class may explore political, economic, intellectual, cultural, social or religious history in a regional, national or trans-national perspective. Possiblities include history of American business; history of Evangelisicalism; British-American foreign relations in the twentieth century; history of consumerism; Christiainity, War and Peace in the Twentieth Century.
Prerequisite: HIS-114  
HIS-329  PUBLIC HISTORY  (3 Credits)  
This class explores the way in which history is presented, interpreted, and contested outside of traditional academic contexts. Topics covered include museums and archives, the heritage and tourist industry, media and entertainment, and consideration of how historians can contribute to government, business, and civil society. The class will also invite discussion of who owns and shapes popular historical understanding and memory.
Prerequisite: None  
HIS-341  MEDIEVAL HISTORY  (3 Credits)  
A study of European society from the fall of Rome through the fourteenth century. The central role of the Church, the development of feudalism, the interplay of peoples, the crusades, the Black Death, and the rise of universities are among the topics addressed.
Prerequisite: None  
A study of European culture and religion from c. 1350-c. 1600. Topics examined include humanism, civic renewal, artistic expression in Italy and Northern Europe, the development of the four branches of Protestantism, and the Catholic Reformation.
Prerequisite: None  
HIS-343  EARLY MODERN EUROPE  (3 Credits)  
A survey of European political, social and cultural history from 1500-1789. Topics include the growth of centralized states, absolutism and limited monarchy, the scientific revolution, the Enlightenment, and movements of religious renewal and revival.
Prerequisite: None  
HIS-345  EUROPE SINCE 1789  (3 Credits)  
A survey of modern Europe since the French Revolution to the present. The rise of nationalism, extension of liberalism, socialism, imperialism, totalitarianism, the World Wars, the Cold War, and social and cultural developments will be examined.
Prerequisite: None  
HIS-346  BRITAIN SINCE 1688  (3 Credits)  
A study of the British Isles from 1688 to the present. Topics examined include national identity, industrialization, the rise of Parliamentary democracy, political ideologies and parties, the Labour movement, the Irish question, foreign policy, social reform, and key themes in religion and culture.
Prerequisite: None  
This course will examine the Holocaust as an historical event and examine the literature that it has produced and continues to produce.
Prerequisite: Take HIS-114  
This course covers the key events, developments, trends, issues and figures of Latin American History. It will address the political, international, economic, social, and cultural facets of this history. The class format will include both lecture and discussion; students are to be ready to discuss the relevant topics in a thoughtful and considerate manner.
Prerequisite: None  
HIS-370  PORTFOLIO  (3 Credits)  
In lieu of a traditional internship, this course guides students in creating a comprehensive professional portfolio that showcases their skills, knowledge, and experiences in History. Through a series of hands-on exercises, reflective writing prompts, and feedback sessions, students will learn to effectively curate and present their accomplishments, demonstrating their readiness for professional opportunities.
Prerequisite: Junior or Senior status required  
HIS-380  INTERNSHIP  (1-6 Credits)  
Individualized opportunities with historical societies, museums, libraries, investigative journalism, and others.
Prerequisite: Junior or Senior status required  
A study of the history, culture, and religions of the Ancient Near East (3500-323 BC). This class examines the main people groups of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Levant (Canaan/Israel) with special attention to shared cultural elements, the development of writing, and distinguishing characteristics and events. The class studies key primary texts (in English translation) of different genres while presenting a synthesis of prevalent ideologies. There will also be an introduction to scholarly methods for studying the textual and material finds that form the basis for historical reconstruction.
Prerequisite: Junior or Senior status required  
This class requires students to devise, research and present an investigation into an historical or civic topic using primary source material. In keeping with the need to access archives students will typically focus on an element of local history or civic studies, although it is also possible to propose a project using national or international archives.
Prerequisite: None  
HIS-451  HISTORIOGRAPHY I  (2 Credits)  
This class will examine the history and philosophy of history, historical schools of interpretation, and selected seminal historians. Attention will be given to exploring whether there is a distinct Christian philosophy of history and historical research. Issues relating to advanced study and the historical profession will also be considered. The class should be taken by students considering graduate studies in history.
Prerequisite: 21 credits of history courses  
This class gives students the opportunity to produce a piece of integrative research that demonstrates the principles, concepts, and skills learned in the history and civic studies major. Students will select a topic that demonstrates the ways in which historical and civic studies can contribute to public discourse, inform policy debates, encourage ethical citizenship, and advance the common good. Students will also be encouraged to reflect on how their studies have informed their professional and Christian vocation.
Prerequisite: HIS-451  
HIS-461  EARLY CHURCH HISTORY  (3 Credits)  
This course will investigate the foundations of the Church beginning with Greco-Roman and Judaic backgrounds through the 7th Ecumenical Council. Particular attention will be given to the theological developments, heresies and schisms and the most significant personages in this period. Persecution and the rise of monasticism will also be studied in detail.
Prerequisite: None  
HIS-470  READINGS IN HISTORY 1  (1-3 Credits)  
With faculty supervision, students read in a specific period or area that complements their major concentration.
Prerequisite: None  
HIS-480  ADVANCED TOPICS  (3 Credits)  
Course possibilities include Great American Presidents, Presidential Assassinations, Russian History, America's Wars, British history, Civil War and Reconstruction, the Holocaust, and others.
Prerequisite: None  
HIS-490  INDEPENDENT STUDY  (1-3 Credits)  
With faculty supervision, the student researches and/or writes on a specific period or area of his or her interest.
Prerequisite: None